Брест без границ 2015
30-31 мая 2015Брест, Беларусь
Форум: http://frisbee.by/f/viewforum.php?f=79
ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/bbg2015
Фейсбук: https://www.facebook.com/events/1420165531620360/
FFindr: http://ffindr.com/en/event/belarus/brest-without-borders-2015
Хэндбук: Handbook_BBG2015.pdf (15 MB)
Результаты турнира
Открытый дивизион
Дух игры: Me&MyMonkeyФотографии
Well, this is something that you have to attend - finest Belarus ultimate frisbee tournament ever!Good chance to meet region best teams (Champions of Russia; Belarus and Ukraine) and the best thing is that you don't play very often against these teams. Great experience and high level of competition guaranteed! :)
All 5 fields on one spot - excellent! Water on fields included; free sunscreen and anti mosquito sprays; free tea, coffee and some little snacks.
One big tent for sitting down and rest or eat some food. Another chill zone tent with blankets and pillows for resting between games, great thing to have in tournaments like this.
Too bad that there weren't any showers, but still there was lake 500 m away from fields.
Organizers did a really great job of communicating and helping with visas, as well they informed us about schedule and hotel options very early, so we had more time to choose the best options. As we were the only team from EU, orgs even translated food menu in English, which was very nice. Not much to say, that food and catering in Belarus are excellent! Tasty and nutritious food - that's what you need get yourself going before games!
Once we arrived, both orgs and staffs were very friendly. Maybe next year you should provide more trash bins, for example one per field. Tape a garbage bag on a pole at each tent or field. I know there were plenty of garbage cans, but putting a receptacle even closer may cut down on the litter. Or players could just be more responsible
At the begining it wasn't supposed to held a party, but responsiveness was so big, that in short time organizers managed to organize a party, which was successful! :)
Every team received folder with player handbook and all the other relevant info, good to have everything in one spot!
Definitely worth to come back next year! But organizers should work more on attracting teams for women division, this year only 4 teams in women division..
No trouble with parking - you are able to park car 20 m away from fields.
Grassy natural grass fields - perfect for Ultimate!
Organizers provided 3 or 4 photographers so you won't have to worry of having pro level sport picture. They even attracted local TV to cover tournament and make a recap!
There were only one Toi-Toi type toilet, hope next year building next to fields will be renovated to have showers, changing rooms and proper toilets.
You might have problems of crossing border, we had to stay at Belarus border for 4 hours, because border guards didn’t believe that our passports and visa was real, not fake ones...
One random suggestion, try to put online results after each or every two games using your tournament FB page or twitter or other social media platform, for those who stay at home it will be great to follow with the tournament. And after first day of games you should upload updated schedule, it will be easier for teams to follow when they have first game tomorrow and who will be the opponents. :)
Really – nothing more to say! От команды Spin'n также хоху выразить благодарность за отличный турнир.
Как и всегда – хорошие поля, на которых удобно и приятно играть. Стафы на этих полях присутствовали. И у нас не возникло ни одного спорного момента, чтобы заподозрить их в незнании регламента. Вместе со стафами была и вода (правда стаканчики очень быстро закончились).
Трансфер в оба дня турнира, медработники, замечательные обеды по 3 евро!, бесплатный чай/кофе/печеньки и продажа мороженого/пива (что бесценно в такую знойную погоду). Многие детали были учтены и реализованы. Наконец-то появился биотуалет. Это вообще прорыв!
Отдельное спасибо за состав этого турнира – уже давно не было такого количества сильных команд, да ещё и из 4 стран. Очень надеемся, что следующий год будет в этом плане ещё лучше. Командам также большое спасибо – всегда интересно играть с теми, с кем редко встречаешься.
К сожалению со статистикой и результатами в алтиорганайзере вышла накладка или просто что-то пошло не так. Но есть же твиттер, фейсбук и т.д. Поэтому в следующем году, уверен, эту оплошность вы исправите.
P.S. Интересно посмотреть, что же наснимал квадролет. Ждем с нетерпением.